Take inspiration from these classic gin cocktail recipes
and make the drink that makes the moment.

The Horse of a 1000 Roses

(Created by Ninon Fauvarque, World Champion Havana Club)


2 cl of The Drunken Horse Gin
5 cl Donc Vermouth
1 cl Rose-Verbena Syrup
1cl Lime Juice
Top up with Soda Water

Garnish with rose petals

The Swiss Horse

(Created by Ninon Fauvarque, World Champion Havana Club)


4 cl The Drunken Horse Gin
1 cl Absinth
1,5cl Orgeat Syrup
1.5cl Lime Juice
2.5cl Bio Apple Juice

Garnish with mint and/or star anis

The White Stallion


5 cl The Drunken Horse Gin
1,5 cl Saint Germain
1 cl Cointreau
8 cl Red Grapefruit juice
1 egg white
Timut pepper

Black Stallion


6 cl of The Drunken Horse Gin
3 cl lime
3 cl simple syrup
Egg white
Absente Absinthe
Activated charcoal

The Perfect Serve


5cl The Drunken Horse Gin

Premium Indian Tonic Water

Timut pepper

A slice of lime